The power of “hello”
Konnichiwa, Guten Tag or Ciao, knowing how to say hello is the biggest asset to any business looking to expand globally. When building business relationships in any country, communication is key, so delivering the right message can be difference between landing a deal, or completely alienating your target market.
In an online based world, the written word, email and online marketing is the new presentation, the internet is booming with business opportunities. With contact virtually instant success if easy to measure. Proving yourself adaptable to new markets from the start gives the impression you are striving for longevity in your business and knowledge of global markets.
First impressions are important, especially in business and competitive markets, so taking time now to translate your work for potential clients, rather than hoping they find you and can translate for you is a great way to get yourself ahead. With the growing trend of outsourcing, working with international markets may actually be a cost effective solution to your business, providing you can communicate your needs and requirements accurately.
Translating as an amateur is difficult and almost impossible to check yourself. If you have no experience in a second language, with no knowledge of their grammar or sentence structure word for word translation is going to read distortedly and probably not even make sense, which will immediately put off your potential client. Investing in a translation service that speaks both your original language and the one you wish to translate your content to, as well as possessing excellent copywriting skills ensures your message is both linguistically correct, but delivers your business directives too.
The transcreation agency specialise in marketing translation and transcreation utilising our in-house designers and developers to ensure that your assets are perfectly formed for each and every market.
If you are looking to expand your business globally or have a project you need help translating, contact the transcreation agency today for information on what our services can do for your business.
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